
beautiful heaven中文是什么意思

  • 锦绣天堂



  • 例句与用法
  • If i am a fish . i swim and swim in the deep sea , following the air bubbles to search my dream , i have a wish to find beautiful heaven out
  • It is nearby the high way of hang yong , 60 km from the port city ningbo to east , 160 km from beautiful heaven city hangzhou to weast
  • U . s . a play - guy asia pacific holding group co . , ltd ( hangzhou yutu gongzi fushi co . , ltd ) to be located in beautiful heaven on earth hangzhou of scenery , a hangzhou of company is west lake the prosperous business street of area to postpone the anne road bright pearl marketplace
  • Is located in the beautiful and rich city of cixi , a developing coastal city , in the south bank of hangzhou bay , in the east of ningshao plain . it is nearby the high way of hang yong , 60 km from the port city ningbo to east , 160 km from beautiful heaven city hangzhou to weast
    樱木制衣有限公司座落于杭州湾跨海大桥南岸,美丽富饶的宁绍平原东部- -慈溪。紧靠329国道线,毗邻杭甬高速公路,东距宁波60公里,西至杭州160公里,交通便捷、地理环境优越。
  • Longmen hot spring sits on the west foot of beautiful heaven hill in longmen county , neighbouring wanliu lake of he yuan in the east and , nankun hill of longmen in the west . 153 km away from guangzhou , 128 km away from dongguan , 185 km away from shenzhen , 90 km away from huizhou and 10 km from the county town of longmen , with superior location it is quite convenient in traffic
  • “ my aunt is a china ' s female , a splendid chinese female , hers influence , i on extremely yearned for since childhood chinese this civilization , ancient and mysterious state , from the aunt body , i felt the chinese good , has been friendly and is sincere ; from the books , i understood china is one bounteous , the scenery beautiful heaven ; the chinese contacts who from me looked that , they all are most outstanding , is not individual outstanding , but is stems from an outstanding nationality , it is a pity has not come china
    “我的舅妈是一位中国的女性,一位出色的中国女性,受她的影响,我从小就非常向往中国这个文明、古老而神奇的国度,从舅妈身上,我感受到了中国人的善良、友好和真诚;从书本上,我了解到中国是一个地大物博、风景秀丽的天堂;从我所接触的中国人来看,他们都是最优秀的,不是个人的优秀,而是出自于一个优秀的民族,遗憾的是从来没有来过中国。 ”
  • 推荐英语阅读
beautiful heaven的中文翻译,beautiful heaven是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译beautiful heaven,beautiful heaven的中文意思,beautiful heaven的中文beautiful heaven in Chinesebeautiful heaven的中文beautiful heaven怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
